Welcome to Incredible Edible Knowsley
Growing food with the community, for the community.
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The Writers Bus Stopped at Incredible Edible Knowsley
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Community Action Day
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Men's Hive Volunteering
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Short Story About Incredible Edible
Karen Mower - Director
We started our Incredible journey at Huyton Resource under Knowsley Community Hub. Our open day on 16th August 2018 was a great success with a good turn out from the community and other organisations and services.
It was here at the Centre that we began to work with adults with learning difficulties and disabilities and we saw how much they benefited from the project being involved in the garden growing food, weeding, painting etc.
Our project here has just gone from strength to strength and we couldn’t thank Knowsley Council enough for all the support that they have provided with our project.
Groups who attend the Centre will now be taking over the garden with Incredible Edible Knowsley supporting them.
Our Aims
Reduce Food Poverty
Growing food with the community for the community across the borough and making it free for everyone. It's far cheaper to buy a packet of seeds and grow your own!
Reduce Isolation & Loneliness
The project is also about coming together, supporting each other, making new friendships and having fun. If you fancy just coming along for a brew and a chat, then come along, you're more than welcome.
Improve Health & Wellbeing
Being out in the garden has so many benefits to your health & wellbeing. It benefits your physical & mental health, fresh food grown in the ground, chemical free is not only much better for your health but it tastes much better. It encourages young people to eat veg - if theyve grown it, they are going to want to eat it.
Improve The Environment
Working on unloved patches of land growing food improves not only the look but the soil, it encourages wildlife that benefits the environment such as bees.
To Educate
We work with and support each other by sharing skills and learning from each other. We teach people how to grow food from seedling to harvest and how to do this without using chemicals.
Therapeutic Horticulture
We work with Adult Social Care and other services to provide a person centred approach by using therapeutic horticulture to individuals needing support.
Frequently Asked Questions
We have been working with Karen Mower at Incredible Edible who was looking for young volunteers to help develop their project. The YOS children have been assisting to develop the project whilst learning about growing fruit and vegetables, helping the local community and attending the community hub. This has encouraged them to develop new skills but also contribute to the community and meet new community members who they would not normally associate with. The project has been really beneficial to our children and is also very valuable in giving back to the community and helping make it a better place to live.

The recent introduction of Incredible Edible to Knowsley will be an increasingly important and integral strand of the Council’s drive to improve the health of adults in receipt of care and support from Adult Services, including their families, carers and the wider community. Although we are in the early stages of supporting this initiative, work is underway to tie this this approach into a range of public health and economic objectives that enables this type of project to rapidly grow across communities, supported by the Council, Voluntary and Business sectors to ensure long term sustainability.

First of all thank you so much for your wonderful presentation and fabulous enthusiasm. I absolutely love the concept of Incredible Edible and really hope we can work together in some way.

We are keen to support the work of Incredible Edible Knowsley and in particular at our sports complex in Huyton where local members of the community can by accessing the project, be more health aware, improve their levels of physical activity, manage long term health conditions, and relieve stress and anxiety. Residents will also gain support with money management, employment, qualifications and digital awareness. We believe that supporting the Incredible Edible community growing initiative to develop growing patches and herb gardens to transforms disused plots into abundant sources of healthy food, which are shared with the community will have a far reaching and positive impact.

Incredible Edible Knowsley has been working in the community to help support people who access Adult Social Care day services for the Elderly. The project has focused on a neglected outdoor space attached to the Elderly Day Care provision in Huyton. A team of volunteers, children from St Anne’s Primary School and the Councils Green Space Ranger Team have worked with Incredible edible to help transform this area into a beautiful oasis of calm and relaxation.

Knowsley Council is striving to improve the health and wellbeing of Knowsley residents. Incredible Edible Knowsley have created and developed a horticulture project that is designed to have a positive impact on physical health and wellbeing, mental health and social isolation. Older people are being brought together to grow and harvest their own fruit and vegetables creating a healthy and nutritional diet. Young people who are at risk of offending or have offended are also being engaged to undertake a range a growing workshops.

Having been involved and supported this fantastic project since its inception I am happy to see how very well connected to Knowsley communities the project has become. Incredible Edible Knowsley has been growing from strength to strength. This project provides an alternative opportunity for people to engage in therapeutic horticulture, which as we know, has numerous benefits such as promoting better emotional and wellbeing and mental health. Incredible Edible Knowsley is an inter generational, educational and inclusive to all project and with Karen Mower has the project lead, I am excited for its future.

Incredible Edible Knowsley is a great example of the vision of Incredible Edible in practice. In the last year we have been privileged to welcome IE Knowsley into the Network joining 120 groups across the UK and over a thousand worldwide. This is a great example of grass root community organising.

It has been a real pleasure for our team to be involved with Knowsley Incredible Edibles as they do such a fantastic job of bringing together and supporting both diverse and sometimes vulnerable groups of people. We pride ourselves in not only building beautiful new homes in Knowsley but also helping to create sustainable communities, where people love to live. Supporting community projects such as this one gives us a real sense of pride, particularly knowing that local people will really benefit from being able to use the bench, raised beds and potting table we supplied and built.

You're in Good Hands
The Disability Confident scheme supports us so that we can make the most of the talents that disabled people can bring to the workplace.