Polypalooza: We’re Putting up TWO New Polytunnels

A polytunnel is, in effect, a lot like a greenhouse. The main difference is in the name: a polytunnel is covered with polythene as opposed to the glass panes of greenhouses. Despite their differences, both serve to protect crops from frost whilst allowing in sunlight.

What are the Plans?

We plan to have two new polytunnels erected by February, ready to plant early Summer veg such as broad beans, onions, garlic and more. We have planned the chitting and planting of potatoes in advance and anticipate the use of 250 raised beds overall by this time.

Before any growing can be done however, we need to ensure that these polytunnels are safely and rigorously built to ensure thermal integrity and optimal growing conditions. This will hopefully include the installation of a fully automated irrigation system, though we are still looking for willing technicians to help us out with this.

Anyone Can Help us Build

We’ve already achieved quite a lot with the combined help of our dedicated volunteers and staff: we’ve assembled the frame of one polytunnel and are in the process of digging a foundation for the second one. However, more help is always appreciated, and the more hands we have, the quicker we get it done, which also means we can get around to planting quicker. So anyone who enjoys hands-on work or just somebody looking for something to do can contact us and arrange to volunteer. This also applies to anyone who has any contacts in any field who could help us to install an irrigation system.

Contact us via:

Phone: 07925 529585
Email: info@knowsleycommunityhub.co.uk

if you're interesting in helping out!

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